目录援助进行时呼唤救助 特别报道 财务报告及救助进展小结 |
March 2015 Newsletter |
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呼唤救助: 请帮助我们留住子莹的笑脸2014年2月10日,因家中电线老化起火,导致家里5口人被烧伤,其中子莹被严重烧伤。不到10岁的小子莹,一米四左右的小身板,却高达70%的烧伤。一眼看去,几乎找不到一片完好的皮肤,亲属将她送到佳木斯224医院进行救治,但是因烧伤程度过于严重,为将子莹从死神手里抢回来,孩子又被连夜送往哈尔滨市第五医院进行抢救,在医院治疗期间花去了7万多元治疗费用。由于家里已无钱可借,没办法只能把孩子安置在县中医院治疗,但是县中医院治疗条件有限,只能给子莹打一些消炎药物,医生建议子莹到大医院治疗。经爱心人士努力,子莹于2014年2月17日乘火车到北京武警总医院接受更好的治疗。 在北京经过多次手术后,子莹的性命总算保住了,终于可以独立坐着和站立,并于2014年6月转院去河南平顶山医院做疤痕治疗,之后伤口愈合得非常好。可惜好景不长, 最近孩子创面伤痕出现了挛缩现象,双臂和身体粘连,需要再次治疗,此次治疗内容包括双手和双臂松解手术,头部和身体的残余创面,康复训练和激光点阵治疗。 子莹被烧伤时,父母已经离异五年了,妈妈在饭店打工,月收入2000元。爸爸是农民在家种地,农闲时外出打工,子莹平时和姥姥一家一起生活。孩子受伤后的治疗费用都是爸爸多处凑集得来的, 现在再也没有能力继续给子莹治疗。在国内一家慈善机构的帮助下,目前已为子莹此次治疗筹集到了4万多元的费用,离预算还差一万元左右。虽然无法帮助子莹回到从前的模样, 但是我们的一点点付出就可以帮助孩子活得更好, 让子莹脸上有更多的笑容。坚强的小子莹, 叔叔阿姨们会和你一起努力! 上左:受伤前的子莹 上右:2015年3月,子莹终于又会笑了。双臂和身体粘连,需手术治疗。
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特别报道: Brecken女士的一封公开信多年前,援手基金会的创办人Brecken女士在北京偶遇正在街上随家人乞讨的烧伤患儿周琳(Zhou Lin),最终把周琳接到美国治疗并收养了周琳。2008年到现在,多个烧伤孩子在美国援手基金会(HandReach.com)的帮助下数次来美国免费治疗, 其中包括大家熟知的秦明河,唐敏唐泽姐弟等。 不久前,偶然在FaceBook上看到Brecken写的这篇文章,很感动,也很震撼。救助的道路多艰辛,也许,我们每个人的力量都很微小,但是只要我们愿意,愿意付出一点点时间或者金钱,或许就能改变一个孩子的一生,也帮助了我们自己,何乐而不为? Drowning... I remember the day when my daughter's feet were cut off and thrown into a medical waste bin. I remember my daughter's roommate at Shriners hospital who, burned all over her body in a nursery school fire when she was a toddler, had never been told she was pretty. Ever. I remember the young woman singing in the playroom at Shriners, with the most compelling voice I'd ever heard. A young woman blinded and burned over her face, neck, and chest by acid. I remember the young mother who came to me sobbing, her little boy burned horrifically in a woodshed where he'd gone to hide from the neighborhood bullies. I remember carrying kids' photos in my bag for months, begging someone for help because they were dying, inside and outside, from trauma injuries that were entirely treatable. I have been drowning in unspeakable guilt. Somewhere during high school, my daughter, weary from having her story told poorly and incompletely by journalists stretching from Boston to Beijing, said she wanted to have a "normal" teenage life. We stopped doing activist stuff around burn injuries. Donations dried up. My small nonprofit is still scraping to help a number of kids we've committed to, but the fact is that I am perpetually wracked with guilt and despair over the things I've witnessed since my now-daughter entered my life a decade ago. Things I'm quite sure we as a planet could do much better to heal if we'd just put our collective hearts and souls to it. Truth be told, the most corrosive thing I've experienced in my life is being told by people with means -- money, connections, and medical expertise -- that, frankly, the burn-injured kids we're trying to help just aren't worth it. They're "too ugly." Their stories "too sad." They're never going to "get better." I sat with the heads of Operation Smile who told me to "drop" a young burn-injured girl we were desperately trying to help because, well, "she won't get you anywhere." People would much rather hear cute stories about kids wanting to play softball or meet some famous celebrity before they die. Something easy -- granting a dying child's glamorous wish. Underwriting years of gritty rehab? Not so sexy. HandReach's donor numbers show it. We have a scrappy band of committed people who give a few dollars where they can. It enables us to keep kids moving forward. But the need -- the enormity of numbers of kids injured by trauma that we could be helping -- is overwhelming. So much so that I am drowning in guilt. Every single day. I know that I'm literally dying to do more. It's eating me inside, day by day. Now that my daughter is graduating from college, hopefully we won't need to keep up appearances of "normalcy" anymore. The fact is, she is a fricking miracle. I have witnessed heaven touch earth through the process of her healing, and now I yearn to spend the rest of my days getting as much help to as many burn survivors as humanly possible. But honestly, it's not just about "helping" burn survivors. It's about letting the rest of us be helped by them. By what a true recovery from deepest, darkest trauma means for us as a human race. The fact that we can transcend vanity and glamour and other wasted energies and get down to the business of really living. Yes, Dan Caro and JR Martinez are my heroes -- not because they are burn survivors, but because they show us as a species to a higher, more loving, more thrilling, entirely more robust way of living. Sign me up for that! I have no idea what to ask. But the call has come to write the vision and be patient. The metaphor of the hole at the center of the spider web is showing up again, and I am staring straight into that core. Come on, humans, we can do so much better for those injured among us than we are doing at present. Let's put our minds and hearts to this, shall we? -- Brechen Chinn Swartz (January 27, 2015) 上图为Brecken女士与养女周琳,以下是一些援手基金会帮助过的孩子们(其中有些孩子也得到过新生命基金会的帮助)
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财务报告 | ||||||||||||||||||
救助进展小结 | ||||||||||||||||||
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A Life A Time FoundationP.O. Box 2821, Toledo, OH 43606 |