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September 2017 Newsletter


Wang Yunfei Wang Fangfang Yu Yue Huang Xinyi Chen Xinyuan
王芸菲(女,11岁,意外伤害):回国了。 王芳芳(女,9岁,小肠畸形):需要继续治疗。 于越(女,1岁,先天性胆道闭锁):出院后恢复较好。 黄馨怡(女,9岁,烧伤 ):治疗告一段落。 陈心园(女,11个月,先天性心脏病):手术费用筹集中。
Zou Muhui Chen Tianyou Du Chenyu Li Yongli Qiu Sinuo
邹沐卉(女,8个月,先天性胆道闭锁):术后恢复中。 陈天佑(男,6个月,脑积水):费用缺口很大。 李永梨(男,7岁,白血病):需要化疗费用。 赵晓晴(女,11岁,再生障碍性贫血):回学校上学了。 邱思诺(女,7个月,先天性胆道闭锁):做了肝移植手术。




Liang Zichen1



梓晨宝宝肺炎好转后父母连夜带孩子赶到西安儿童医院,经过一段时间的治疗后病情依然没有好转,最后只好将孩子带回了家。看着宝宝的病情一天天恶化,父母心疼不已,再次辗转上海的医院进行治疗,经过肝穿刺基因检测仍未查出病因,但是梓晨宝宝已经出现了严重的腹水现象,只有做肝移植才能挽救孩子的生命。 因为患有两种疾病,医生估计手术费用大概需要23万至25万元,妈妈一直在照顾孩子无法外出打工,爸爸是家里唯一的经济支柱,为了给孩子看病,已经借遍了身边所有的亲戚朋友,无力面对昂贵的治疗费用。

9月25日,在国内慈善机构的帮助下,由妈妈捐肝,梓晨宝宝终于完成了肝移植手术。虽然 A Life A Time已决定资助孩子1.5万元的治疗费用,但是因为病情严重,目前初步估计梓晨宝宝的后期治疗费用还差好几万元人民币,希望各位爱心人士能伸出援手,帮助孩子度过难关!




特别报道:华裔青少年的爱心行动 -- Sharon Youth Fund

小城Sharon位于波士顿市郊,距离著名的波士顿Shriners 儿童医院约一小时的车程。正是它独特的地理位置,让居住在Sharon小城的富有爱心的华裔居民们与多位来自中国的贫困家庭病童结下了不解之缘。

波士顿Shriners儿童医院多年来为大量来自世界各地的贫困家庭儿童提供免费治疗。近些年来,近十位來自中国的严重烧伤和截肢再造的贫困伤残儿童,在慈善机构Handreach和A Life A Time 的安排帮助下,也先后来到波士顿Shriners接受了免费治疗。

病童们的医疗费用完全免除,但是来美的签证费用、路费和生活费用仍需要自行解决。多年来A Life A Time给这些孩子们提供了部分的资助。大约八年多前,富有爱心的Sharon华人社区自发地组织起来,以多种多样的义卖、义演等方式筹集善款。这些资助让受益人的万里求医路少一些阻碍和顾虑,多了一份温暖和依靠。我们的月刊之前曾多次报道了Sharon华人社区的募款义举,而这次要与大家分享的,是当地一家华人基金会旗下新近成立的Sharon青少年基金(Sharon Youth Fund),以及相关的活动报道。

"Shriners给他们最好的医术,Sharon给他们最暖的爱心",这句暖心的口号准确地表达了基金会的初衷和功能。除了为来治病的孩子们提供经济上的支持,当地的华人社区,特别是与这些病童们同属一代人的当地的华裔青少年们,是否也可以用他们特有的方式参与对病童们的帮助呢?Sharon青少年基金(Sharon Youth Fund)应运而生,其宗旨是帮助这些残疾儿童在波士顿治疗期间的生活和学习,促进他们身心健康,让他们感受到爱的温暖。


Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei


--"Right upon meeting him and watching him be taught by Annie, I was immediately drawn to his cute personality. As time progressed, was able to get to know Shiwei better. I feel that I was able to build strong bond with the little guy."

--"世伟 knew a lot about animals, and he told us many interesting facts about animals. He was very open to everything, and curious about all the animals. He told me that he really liked to read, and that he constantly watched 动物世界."

--"Next, we went mountain climbing. 世伟 was very agile, and he leaped from rock to rock nimbly. I also noticed that 世伟 was very observant and eager to learn. 世伟 also noticed that there was a huge mushroom growing on the underside of the rock. It was very obscure and not something most people would notice, but he did."

Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei

--"...we decided to have lunch but when we got in line Shiwei said something that genuinely surprised me. He said that he hadn't had pizza in two years yet his tone was normal, showing how accustomed he had become to not having the things we take for granted. Despite being so small, Shiwei finished the entire pizza, a smile on his face the entire time."

--"[Inside the golf ball exhibit] was where I also saw Shiwei's warm heart. He always picked up golf balls that others dropped and returned it to them, and always offered a ball to a youngster who didn't have one. Scared by Shiwei's appearance, some of the young and innocent children no longer wanted their golf balls back. However, Shiwei kept trying with others, even when he initially faced rejection. This was amazing, in my opinion, and shows Shiwei's warm personality."

--"I realized that learning how to read was not the most important skill for Shiwei as he is not a native English speaker. I began mainly focusing on teaching him verbally and visually in order to strengthen his communication skills. I did this by using the pictures in the books for an easier way to have him associate English words to their meanings."

--"When we left, Shiwei said that he had a lot of fun. His energy was still on a high and he had a smile plastered onto his face. He was able to forget about the pain for a day, instead playing like every ten year old should. Not only did he have fun, he also learned many new things including new English words and phrases. I hope that this experience has let him feel the culture of Boston and also bring some more happiness into his life."

Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei Liu Shiwei

--"We wished him good luck for his surgery coming up in a couple weeks, and departed to our separate cars. On the ride home, I felt a strange feeling that was hard to shake-off. Sorrow, maybe? Hope, maybe? Whatever it was, I definitely had the best time at Blue Hills with Liu Shi Wei. "

--"I had so much fun with 世伟. He is such a smart, open-hearted, curious, and cute child. 世伟 loves to learn English and has a positive attitude in life. He has walked a very hard road, yet he is still a ray of sunshine in this world."

Sharon Youth Fund:https://sharonchinese.org/sharonyouthfund









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A Life A Time Foundation

P.O. Box 2821, Toledo, OH 43606